Our Mission Statement: To improve the practice of teaching young children by increasing member knowledge and understanding of this specialty. The ECEC acts on behalf of young children and their teachers to promote excellence in education.
Please read the letter we’ve sent to the Education Minister! The Early Childhood Education Council, a specialist council of the Alberta Teachers’ Association, is committed to supporting its members and amplifying their voices! We encourage ALL stakeholders to participate in our email campaign to the Minister of Education to share your experiences with these screening assessments. Minister Demetrios Nicolaides can be contacted at [email protected]
ATA Newspaper Article: Letter and ECEC Position on Kindergarten Screening Assessments
On December 5, 2024, Alberta Teachers’ Association president, Jason Schilling, has issued the following statement with regard to the government’s literacy and numeracy screening:
Teachers do not support intrusive and unnecessary testing
“The Alberta Teachers’ Association (ATA) stands firmly against the province’s plan to subject every kindergarten and elementary student in Grades 1–3 to unnecessary assessments. The government’s suggestion that the Association played a role in the development of its screening processes and approves of the implementation is wrong and dishonest.
The government’s plan will require teachers to administer time-consuming and, in many cases, unnecessary tests to every student. This takes away from the time available for teaching . In a typical kindergarten class, five full days of teaching could be lost.
Through our Educational Research Award, the ATA supported research involving a small group of students whose learning fell below their age standard as documented on initial screening tests. After weeks of individualized instruction, these students were then retested to measure improvement. Surprise: teaching works.
In contrast to this model, the province is ordering teachers to test every student twice, and some three times, without offering sufficient targeted classroom support to students most in need.
None of this should come as a surprise to the government. The Association’s position has been clearly and directly communicated to the education minister and senior officials. They have chosen not to listen.
What teachers need is the discretion to decide when diagnostic testing can be useful and the ability to provide timely, impactful support for all students. That begins with properly funding public education.”
—Jason Schilling, ATA president
Please read the letter we’ve sent to the Education Minister! The Early Childhood Education Council, a specialist council of the Alberta Teachers’ Association, is committed to supporting its members and amplifying their voices! We encourage ALL stakeholders to participate in our email campaign to the Minister of Education to share your experiences with these screening assessments. Minister Demetrios Nicolaides can be contacted at [email protected]
ATA Newspaper Article: Letter and ECEC Position on Kindergarten Screening Assessments
On December 5, 2024, Alberta Teachers’ Association president, Jason Schilling, has issued the following statement with regard to the government’s literacy and numeracy screening:
Teachers do not support intrusive and unnecessary testing
“The Alberta Teachers’ Association (ATA) stands firmly against the province’s plan to subject every kindergarten and elementary student in Grades 1–3 to unnecessary assessments. The government’s suggestion that the Association played a role in the development of its screening processes and approves of the implementation is wrong and dishonest.
The government’s plan will require teachers to administer time-consuming and, in many cases, unnecessary tests to every student. This takes away from the time available for teaching . In a typical kindergarten class, five full days of teaching could be lost.
Through our Educational Research Award, the ATA supported research involving a small group of students whose learning fell below their age standard as documented on initial screening tests. After weeks of individualized instruction, these students were then retested to measure improvement. Surprise: teaching works.
In contrast to this model, the province is ordering teachers to test every student twice, and some three times, without offering sufficient targeted classroom support to students most in need.
None of this should come as a surprise to the government. The Association’s position has been clearly and directly communicated to the education minister and senior officials. They have chosen not to listen.
What teachers need is the discretion to decide when diagnostic testing can be useful and the ability to provide timely, impactful support for all students. That begins with properly funding public education.”
—Jason Schilling, ATA president
Virtual Professional Development OpportunitiesCommunity of PracticeA community of practice is when a group of people (this includes you) come together to explore a common interest, in this case all things related to educating young children (ECS to Grade 3).
What will our community of practice do? Well, the possibilities are endless and come from the direction of the community. It could involve discussing best practices; offering inspiration to tricky challenges; diving into a book study; gathering at local coffee shops; or cruising on a summer road trip. At each gathering participants will determine the direction of future events. Click here to join! Image by pch.vector Freepik
Professional Partnership OpportunityInterested in a professional partnership to strengthen your practice? Consider joining the ECEC's new professional partnership opportunity! For more information and to register, click HERE!
Image by cornecobaon Freepik
In- Person Professional Development OpportunitiesImage by pikisuperstar on Freepik
Upcoming ECEC Events: Here are some upcoming events for ECEC members and Pre-Service Teachers
For more information on these Professional Development opportunities and other Alberta Teacher Association events please visit: February